Connection - On Letting Division Cease (Focus 4 of 5)
November 22nd, 2020
As we progress from them to you to us, it's helpful to recognize and celebrate the connections we naturally share. Focusing on our commonalities reduces the emphasis on our differences and strengthens...  Read More
Connotation - On Letting Division Cease (Focus 3 of 5)
November 15th, 2020
Leaving division and heading toward unity includes understanding our own perceptions of others. How do we see those who differ from us? What silent thoughts shape our interactions? While we can't comp...  Read More
Confrontation - On Letting Division Cease (Focus 2 of 5)
November 8th, 2020
Let's dive deep into the topic of “confrontation.” Don’t worry, it’s be more fun than what it sounds. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.Who is the most interesting Disney chara...  Read More
Condemnation - On Letting Division Cease (Focus 1 of 5)
November 1st, 2020
Let's focus on humanity’s ability to write one another off—and the stunning contrast of God’s acceptance. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.What is the best super power? See wh...  Read More
The Spirit Sighs - On Letting Out a Sigh (Focus 4 of 4)
October 25th, 2020
How does a spirit sigh, let alone THE Spirit? Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.Do you prefer big dogs or small dogs? See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.Tap on th...  Read More
Christians Sigh - On letting Out a Sigh (Focus 3 of 4)
October 18th, 2020
Hope is better than fulfillment if hope is what you have. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.Is Hugh Grant funny? See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.Tap on the wor...  Read More
Creation Sighs Together - On Letting Out a Sigh (Focus 2 of 4)
October 11th, 2020
It’s helpful and heartbreaking to realize that when you sigh, you don’t sigh alone. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.When did you start liking/hating mushrooms? See what this ...  Read More
You just sighed. Are you OK? - On Letting Out a Sigh (Focus 1 of 4)
October 4th, 2020
Sometimes we have to rant and someone needs to listen. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.What movie do you wish you could watch again for the first time? See what this Spotligh...  Read More
...and you are the light of the world. - On Letting There Be Light (Focus 4 of 4)
September 27th, 2020
Let's invest the greatest resource you’ve been given (yourself) in something that will truly shine. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.What fictional family would you most like ...  Read More
...and the darkness has not understood it. - On Letting There Be Light (Focus 3 of 4)
September 20th, 2020
Let's focus on the content that makes those relationships whole. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.Would you rather be reincarnated as a cat or a dog? See what this Spotlight—a...  Read More
..and that light was the light of all people. - On Letting There Be Light (Focus 2 of 4)
September 13th, 2020
Let's focus on the incredible value of relationships and connection. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.Do you fold your pizza? See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on....  Read More
..and there was light. - On Letting There Be Light (Focus 1 of 4)
September 6th, 2020
There is real darkness all around, but there is also light—and that light is good, helpful, and powerful. Even though the light and the dark are usually talked about as opposing forces locked in a bat...  Read More






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