
to Illume

*to "illume" is to shine by reflecting a light that is not your own onto those around you.

Illume is a...

Illume makes Spotlights

Illume creates and helps to manage small groups that meet either in person or online to walk together through our Spotlights, which are weekly, interactive, and multimedia-driven sessions. These sessions explore various spiritual and life-related themes, providing insights and fostering discussions that challenge and enrich. Each Spotlight is crafted to engage participants in a journey of restful reflection, learning, and active engagement.

We believe that developing vulnerable, interdependent relationships by worshiping, learning, and serving together is a great way to bring light into the dark parts of life.
How to Get Involved
Getting involved with Spotlight Communities is easy. Illume's Spotlight Community times are listed below. Join today!

If you want to learn more, contact Kent at kent@illume.church. 

This Month’s Featured Spotlight Series:

Illume has created many series that are available for you to use any time you’d like, especially if a particular topic or need arises. At the same time, we do suggest one each month for our Spotlight Communities to do together.

If you don't know what a "Spotlight" is, check out the next section of this page.
The Spirit Sighs - On Letting Out a Sigh (Focus 4 of 4)
October 25th, 2020
How does a spirit sigh, let alone THE Spirit? Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.Do you prefer big dogs or small dogs? See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.Tap on the words "Focus 4" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary. Watch this video as an overview of what this series has been all about. Let’s kick things off with a prayer.If you’re in a group,...
Christians Sigh - On letting Out a Sigh (Focus 3 of 4)
October 18th, 2020
Hope is better than fulfillment if hope is what you have. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.Is Hugh Grant funny? See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.Tap on the words "Focus 3" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary. Let’s start this Spotlight with some good, old-fashioned negativity.(Not really, but we are going to have you make a list of things th...
Creation Sighs Together - On Letting Out a Sigh (Focus 2 of 4)
October 11th, 2020
It’s helpful and heartbreaking to realize that when you sigh, you don’t sigh alone. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.When did you start liking/hating mushrooms? See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.Tap on the words "Focus 2" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary. Watch this video about the Animals of Eden.As you watch, try to pay attention to the ...
You just sighed. Are you OK? - On Letting Out a Sigh (Focus 1 of 4)
October 4th, 2020
Sometimes we have to rant and someone needs to listen. Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.What movie do you wish you could watch again for the first time? See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.Tap on the words "Focus 1" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary. Let's talk sighing.Sighing takes place by reason of a condition of oppression under which man...

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