May 23rd, 2021
Consider this ice breaker as you gather for the Spotlight.
What’s a small mistake you made while in a group setting from which you learned a lot?
What’s a small mistake you made while in a group setting from which you learned a lot?

Focus 4 | Collect
Now that you’ve answered the icebreaker question, here’s another question - this one about vergangenheitsbewältigung.
(And welcome, by the way! It’s great that you’re here!)
(And welcome, by the way! It’s great that you’re here!)
See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.
Tap on the words "Focus 4" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary.
Tap on the words "Focus 4" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary.

Discover how to be known and loved.
- Press play to start listening to this song (below).
- Contemplate these questions while you listen:
- What does it take—that is, what must essentially exist—for you to be “known and loved”?
- “In time may you find peace of mind with me, my friend.” Finding “peace of mind” is one thing, but the songwriter adds the idea of finding it “with me, my friend.” What does this mean to you?
- When you “feel like you’ve lost yourself” where does the song suggest you go to find yourself again?
Lyrics from Known & Loved by Joel Ansett
You’re in a place you think you know,
surrounded but you feel alone.
You have a place to rest your head
but not a home.
Feels like you lost yourself again—
sit in the silence of a friend.
When you are fully known and loved
you have a home.
The burden you choose to bare:
keeping yourself from those who care.
Problems and pride play hide and seek—
you’re unaware.
All of the things you keep concealed,
one day, are bound to be revealed.
We paint a picture of ourselves that isn’t real.
Feels like you lost yourself again—
sit in the silence of a friend
When you are fully known and loved
you have a home.
You have a home!
You have a home!
You have a home!
In time, may you find
peace of mind with me my friend.
Feels like you lost yourself again—
sit in the silence of a friend
When you are fully known and loved
you have a home.
You have a home!
You have a home!
You have a home!
In time, may you find
peace of mind with me my friend.
Read Colossians 3:5–17 once the song ends.
Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
You’re in a place you think you know,
surrounded but you feel alone.
You have a place to rest your head
but not a home.
Feels like you lost yourself again—
sit in the silence of a friend.
When you are fully known and loved
you have a home.
The burden you choose to bare:
keeping yourself from those who care.
Problems and pride play hide and seek—
you’re unaware.
All of the things you keep concealed,
one day, are bound to be revealed.
We paint a picture of ourselves that isn’t real.
Feels like you lost yourself again—
sit in the silence of a friend
When you are fully known and loved
you have a home.
You have a home!
You have a home!
You have a home!
In time, may you find
peace of mind with me my friend.
Feels like you lost yourself again—
sit in the silence of a friend
When you are fully known and loved
you have a home.
You have a home!
You have a home!
You have a home!
In time, may you find
peace of mind with me my friend.
Read Colossians 3:5–17 once the song ends.
Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Let’s pray for mercy, using Jeremiah 14.
(If you’re doing this in a group, read all the bolded passages aloud as a group and have the group leader read everything else.)
This is the word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah concerning the drought:
“Judah mourns, her cities languish; they wail for the land,
and a cry goes up from Jerusalem.
The nobles send their servants for water; they go to the cisterns but find no water.
They return with their jars unfilled; dismayed and despairing, they cover their heads.
The ground is cracked because there is no rain in the land;
the farmers are dismayed and cover their heads.
Even the doe in the field deserts her newborn fawn because there is no grass.
Wild donkeys stand on the barren heights and pant like jackals;
their eyes fail for lack of food.”
Jeremiah 14:1–6
Although our sins testify against us,
do something, Lord, for the sake of your name.
For we have often rebelled;
we have sinned against you.
You who are the hope of Israel,
its Savior in times of distress,
why are you like a stranger in the land,
like a traveler who stays only a night?
Why are you like a man taken by surprise,
like a warrior powerless to save?
You are among us, Lord,
and we bear your name;
do not forsake us!
Jeremiah 14:7–9
This is what the Lord says about this people: “They greatly love to wander; they do not restrain their feet. So the Lord does not accept them; he will now remember their wickedness and punish them for their sins.”
Then the Lord said to me, “Do not pray for the well-being of this people. Although they fast, I will not listen to their cry; though they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Instead, I will destroy them with the sword, famine and plague.”
But I said, “Alas, Sovereign Lord! The prophets keep telling them, ‘You will not see the sword or suffer famine. Indeed, I will give you lasting peace in this place.’”
Then the Lord said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds. Therefore this is what the Lord says about the prophets who are prophesying in my name: I did not send them, yet they are saying, ‘No sword or famine will touch this land.’ Those same prophets will perish by sword and famine. And the people they are prophesying to will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and sword. There will be no one to bury them, their wives, their sons and their daughters. I will pour out on them the calamity they deserve.
“Speak this word to them: ‘Let my eyes overflow with tears night and day without ceasing;
for the Virgin Daughter, my people, has suffered a grievous wound, a crushing blow.
If I go into the country, I see those slain by the sword;
if I go into the city, I see the ravages of famine.
Both prophet and priest have gone to a land they know not.’”
Jeremiah 14:10–18
Have you rejected Judah completely?
Do you despise Zion?
Why have you afflicted us
so that we cannot be healed?
We hoped for peace
but no good has come,
for a time of healing
but there is only terror.
We acknowledge our wickedness, Lord,
and the guilt of our ancestors;
we have indeed sinned against you.
For the sake of your name do not despise us;
do not dishonor your glorious throne.
Remember your covenant with us
and do not break it.
Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain?
Do the skies themselves send down showers?
No, it is you, Lord our God.
Therefore our hope is in you,
for you are the one who does all this.
Jeremiah 14:19–22
The people of Israel were struggling with the effects of collective and individual sin, and with these prayers throw themselves on God's mercy. We can do the same. Let's do so now with the song "Good Grace."
(If you’re doing this in a group, read all the bolded passages aloud as a group and have the group leader read everything else.)
This is the word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah concerning the drought:
“Judah mourns, her cities languish; they wail for the land,
and a cry goes up from Jerusalem.
The nobles send their servants for water; they go to the cisterns but find no water.
They return with their jars unfilled; dismayed and despairing, they cover their heads.
The ground is cracked because there is no rain in the land;
the farmers are dismayed and cover their heads.
Even the doe in the field deserts her newborn fawn because there is no grass.
Wild donkeys stand on the barren heights and pant like jackals;
their eyes fail for lack of food.”
Jeremiah 14:1–6
Although our sins testify against us,
do something, Lord, for the sake of your name.
For we have often rebelled;
we have sinned against you.
You who are the hope of Israel,
its Savior in times of distress,
why are you like a stranger in the land,
like a traveler who stays only a night?
Why are you like a man taken by surprise,
like a warrior powerless to save?
You are among us, Lord,
and we bear your name;
do not forsake us!
Jeremiah 14:7–9
This is what the Lord says about this people: “They greatly love to wander; they do not restrain their feet. So the Lord does not accept them; he will now remember their wickedness and punish them for their sins.”
Then the Lord said to me, “Do not pray for the well-being of this people. Although they fast, I will not listen to their cry; though they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Instead, I will destroy them with the sword, famine and plague.”
But I said, “Alas, Sovereign Lord! The prophets keep telling them, ‘You will not see the sword or suffer famine. Indeed, I will give you lasting peace in this place.’”
Then the Lord said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds. Therefore this is what the Lord says about the prophets who are prophesying in my name: I did not send them, yet they are saying, ‘No sword or famine will touch this land.’ Those same prophets will perish by sword and famine. And the people they are prophesying to will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and sword. There will be no one to bury them, their wives, their sons and their daughters. I will pour out on them the calamity they deserve.
“Speak this word to them: ‘Let my eyes overflow with tears night and day without ceasing;
for the Virgin Daughter, my people, has suffered a grievous wound, a crushing blow.
If I go into the country, I see those slain by the sword;
if I go into the city, I see the ravages of famine.
Both prophet and priest have gone to a land they know not.’”
Jeremiah 14:10–18
Have you rejected Judah completely?
Do you despise Zion?
Why have you afflicted us
so that we cannot be healed?
We hoped for peace
but no good has come,
for a time of healing
but there is only terror.
We acknowledge our wickedness, Lord,
and the guilt of our ancestors;
we have indeed sinned against you.
For the sake of your name do not despise us;
do not dishonor your glorious throne.
Remember your covenant with us
and do not break it.
Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain?
Do the skies themselves send down showers?
No, it is you, Lord our God.
Therefore our hope is in you,
for you are the one who does all this.
Jeremiah 14:19–22
The people of Israel were struggling with the effects of collective and individual sin, and with these prayers throw themselves on God's mercy. We can do the same. Let's do so now with the song "Good Grace."

Help us acknowledge the Duwamish.

What would you change about the following statement if it were to be included on Illume’s facility? (Discuss with your group, if you’re in one currently.)
“We would like to acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.”
Remember, you can follow the Chief Seattle Club on social media using the buttons below:

What would you change about the following statement if it were to be included on Illume’s facility? (Discuss with your group, if you’re in one currently.)
“We would like to acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.”
Remember, you can follow the Chief Seattle Club on social media using the buttons below:
Feel free to submit a prayer request by filling out the below form.
(If you choose to make your request public, you'll see it display in the Current at the end of the Spotlight along with anyone else who did the same.)
(If you choose to make your request public, you'll see it display in the Current at the end of the Spotlight along with anyone else who did the same.)
Pray through your requests—together—as a group.
After submitting your requests in the above form, take some time to share with your group whatever requests the group might have for this week.
After submitting your requests in the above form, take some time to share with your group whatever requests the group might have for this week.

Let’s pray the Lord’s Prayer.
(If you’re doing this in a group, read it aloud as a group, in unison.)
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those
who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom,
the power, and the glory
are yours now and forever.
(If you’re doing this in a group, read it aloud as a group, in unison.)
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those
who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom,
the power, and the glory
are yours now and forever.
Let's start wrapping up by singing about some good news.
- Press play to start listening to this song (below).
(The song’s lyrics are posted below the video player.) - Contemplate these questions while you listen:
- Notice the way the verses talk about singular individuals, but the chorus is sung by a plural group!
- The bridge describes the place individuals must go for the hope they need. What happens as more people listen to that guidance?
Lyrics from Rescuer (Good News) by Rend Collective
There is good news for the captive—
good news for the shamed.
There is good news for the one who walked away.
There is good news for the doubter—
the one religion failed:
for the Good Lord has come to seek and save.
He’s our rescuer—
he’s our rescuer.
We are free from sin forevermore.
Oh, how sweet the sound—
Oh, how grace abounds.
We will praise the Lord our rescuer.
He is beauty for the blind man—
riches for the poor.
He is friendship for the one the world ignores.
He is pasture for the weary—
Rest for those who strive.
Oh, the Good Lord is the way, the truth, the life.
Yes, the Good Lord is the way, the truth, the life.
He’s our rescuer—
he’s our rescuer.
We are free from sin forevermore.
Oh, how sweet the sound—
Oh, how grace abounds.
We will praise the Lord our rescuer.
Oh, oh—
we will praise the Lord our rescuer.
Oh, oh—
we will praise the Lord our rescuer.
So come and be chainless—
come and be fearless.
Come to the foot of Calvary.
There is redemption
for every affliction
here at the foot of Calvary.
So come and be chainless—
come and be fearless.
Come to the foot of Calvary.
’cause there is redemption
for every affliction
here at the foot of Calvary.
He’s our rescuer—
he’s our rescuer.
We are free from sin forevermore.
Oh, how sweet the sound—
Oh, how grace abounds.
We will praise the Lord our rescuer.
We will praise the Lord our rescuer.
There is good news for the captive—
good news for the shamed.
There is good news for the one who walked away.
There is good news for the doubter—
the one religion failed:
for the Good Lord has come to seek and save.
He’s our rescuer—
he’s our rescuer.
We are free from sin forevermore.
Oh, how sweet the sound—
Oh, how grace abounds.
We will praise the Lord our rescuer.
He is beauty for the blind man—
riches for the poor.
He is friendship for the one the world ignores.
He is pasture for the weary—
Rest for those who strive.
Oh, the Good Lord is the way, the truth, the life.
Yes, the Good Lord is the way, the truth, the life.
He’s our rescuer—
he’s our rescuer.
We are free from sin forevermore.
Oh, how sweet the sound—
Oh, how grace abounds.
We will praise the Lord our rescuer.
Oh, oh—
we will praise the Lord our rescuer.
Oh, oh—
we will praise the Lord our rescuer.
So come and be chainless—
come and be fearless.
Come to the foot of Calvary.
There is redemption
for every affliction
here at the foot of Calvary.
So come and be chainless—
come and be fearless.
Come to the foot of Calvary.
’cause there is redemption
for every affliction
here at the foot of Calvary.
He’s our rescuer—
he’s our rescuer.
We are free from sin forevermore.
Oh, how sweet the sound—
Oh, how grace abounds.
We will praise the Lord our rescuer.
We will praise the Lord our rescuer.
Sing along with (or listen to) this song to close out this Spotlight.
Feel free to sing along or simply listen. Do what makes you comfortable—but do whatever helps you focus on the song's meaning best.
Feel free to sing along or simply listen. Do what makes you comfortable—but do whatever helps you focus on the song's meaning best.

Let's wrap things up by taking a look at what's Current at Illume.
Tap on the buttons in the frame below to see what’s currently happening at Illume—information on everything from current and upcoming online content to live events and opportunities to serve in the community can all be found here.
Tap on the buttons in the frame below to see what’s currently happening at Illume—information on everything from current and upcoming online content to live events and opportunities to serve in the community can all be found here.
Posted in On Letting Guilt Collect
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