September 27th, 2020

Focus 4 (of 4) | ...and you are the light of the world.
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See what this Spotlight—and series—is focused on.
Tap on the words "Focus 4" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary.
Tap on the words "Focus 4" in the image below to read this Spotlight's summary.
Welcome to the final Spotlight of the series, "On Letting There Be Light."
So far, we’ve said:
Today, as we close this series, we have a simple thesis: If you are not the light, it’s dark.
This is revealed pretty powerfully by Jesus, who said two things that might seem contradictory while he was on earth.
So far, we’ve said:
- God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. This was the opening moment of our universe! It mattered physically, because light makes everything possible. It mattered even more metaphorically, because light is that which facilitates connection.
- God said, “Let there be light,” and that light was the light of all people. Everyone needs it, and it is for everyone. More than that, though, it’s for everyone so they can connect. It’s not a light for individuals to enjoy by themselves. Light allows those in the dark to see each other and communicate.
- God said, “Let there be light,” and the darkness has not understood it. It is the modus operandi of darkness to use the light for something other than making connection happen. If you take away the connections, you might as well remove the light. We need to see everything as a means by which connection can be forged.
Today, as we close this series, we have a simple thesis: If you are not the light, it’s dark.
This is revealed pretty powerfully by Jesus, who said two things that might seem contradictory while he was on earth.
- At one point, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
- Then, later, he said, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”
Welcome Perspective
"God is light. In him there is no darkness at all."
Light is evidence of God.
I think if God were choosing a metaphor for himself, he'd choose light.
And I think the biggest reason why he'd choose it
is because it is so extremely generous.
What is more generous than light?
What else is more proliferous?
What else is as present as it is necessary?
What else spends more of itself for the simple potential of helping others?
What else rushes so quickly into a dark place in every time the opportunity comes?
What else gives and never runs out?
What else offers itself not for its own glory but to show the glory of another?
What else helps equally whether you are poor or wealthy, educated or foolish, good or evil, deserving or undeserving?
What is more faithful, more consistent, more available, more unquestionable, or more beautiful?
What is more generous than light?
I can tell you one thing. God.
This is why the Bible says of him: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
This is why, in the same way that every person trapped in darkness seeks light, every person trapped in their sin, in their foolishness, in regret, in hidden habits, in fear, in despair, or in any other kind of spiritual and emotional darkness should seek God. That's part of what we do, and it is part of what we want for everyone in the world.
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
So, let's pray, out loud, together, an ancient prayer that asks for light.
Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me;
let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.
Then I will go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight.
I will praise you with the lyre, O God, my God.
Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
Psalm 43:3–5
Light is evidence of God.
I think if God were choosing a metaphor for himself, he'd choose light.
And I think the biggest reason why he'd choose it
is because it is so extremely generous.
What is more generous than light?
What else is more proliferous?
What else is as present as it is necessary?
What else spends more of itself for the simple potential of helping others?
What else rushes so quickly into a dark place in every time the opportunity comes?
What else gives and never runs out?
What else offers itself not for its own glory but to show the glory of another?
What else helps equally whether you are poor or wealthy, educated or foolish, good or evil, deserving or undeserving?
What is more faithful, more consistent, more available, more unquestionable, or more beautiful?
What is more generous than light?
I can tell you one thing. God.
This is why the Bible says of him: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
This is why, in the same way that every person trapped in darkness seeks light, every person trapped in their sin, in their foolishness, in regret, in hidden habits, in fear, in despair, or in any other kind of spiritual and emotional darkness should seek God. That's part of what we do, and it is part of what we want for everyone in the world.
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
So, let's pray, out loud, together, an ancient prayer that asks for light.
Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me;
let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.
Then I will go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight.
I will praise you with the lyre, O God, my God.
Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
Psalm 43:3–5
Listen to this song by him + her.
Lyrics from faithful by him + her worship (seth + jenna)
are you with me, even when i can’t feel it, even when i can’t feel it?
are you speaking, even when i can’t hear it, even when i can’t hear?
i should know you are faithful in the storm.
i should know you are faithful in the storm.
do you see me, ‘cause i think i’m forgotten, i think i’m forgotten?
do you love me, are you true to your promise, true to your promise?
i should know you are faithful in the storm.
i should know you are faithful in the storm.
i should know you are faithful in the storm.
even in the dark, you’re faithful
even when it hurts, you’re faithful
tomorrow you will still be faithful
i will follow you into the deep
even in the dark, you’re faithful
even when it hurts, you’re faithful
tomorrow you will still be faithful
i will follow you into the deep
even in the dark, you’re faithful
even when it hurts, you’re faithful
i’m passing through the waters
i will follow you into the deep
even in the dark, you’re faithful
even when it hurts, you’re faithful
i’m passing through the waters
i will follow you into the deep
even in the dark, you’re faithful
even when it hurts, you’re faithful
i’m passing through the waters
i will follow you into the deep
i will follow, i will follow you
i will follow you into the deep.
are you with me, even when i can’t feel it, even when i can’t feel it?
are you speaking, even when i can’t hear it, even when i can’t hear?
i should know you are faithful in the storm.
i should know you are faithful in the storm.
do you see me, ‘cause i think i’m forgotten, i think i’m forgotten?
do you love me, are you true to your promise, true to your promise?
i should know you are faithful in the storm.
i should know you are faithful in the storm.
i should know you are faithful in the storm.
even in the dark, you’re faithful
even when it hurts, you’re faithful
tomorrow you will still be faithful
i will follow you into the deep
even in the dark, you’re faithful
even when it hurts, you’re faithful
tomorrow you will still be faithful
i will follow you into the deep
even in the dark, you’re faithful
even when it hurts, you’re faithful
i’m passing through the waters
i will follow you into the deep
even in the dark, you’re faithful
even when it hurts, you’re faithful
i’m passing through the waters
i will follow you into the deep
even in the dark, you’re faithful
even when it hurts, you’re faithful
i’m passing through the waters
i will follow you into the deep
i will follow, i will follow you
i will follow you into the deep.
Let's take some time for guided, silent prayer and meditation based on those words from Psalm 43 that we prayed before we sang faithful. I'll set up each section of the prayer and then give you 15–20 seconds to pray.
Lord, we are simply human,
so we often lose our way,
we don't know where to go,
and we need your help.
Send us your light and your faithful care, let them lead us.
We are bringing you our uncertainties,
our questions,
and our need for guidance.
[silent prayer]
Lord, as we ask for your light and your faithful care,
let them bring us to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.
We need to be reminded that you with us,
and that you invite us to be with you.
We are asking you to increase our faith
in your presence in our lives,
and help us be better at seeing you with us.
[silent prayer]
Lord, the closer we are to you,
the more we realize how different we are from you.
When we realize that you are holy
and we are not—we are imperfect and broken—
then let us go to your altar,
where your son, Jesus, was punished in our place,
and brought us our joy and our delight.
We are confessing our sins
and asking you to accept Jesus' perfection in their place.
[silent prayer]
Lord, every time we come to you,
we are reminded that you are generous.
You love first, without question,
you forgive without restraint,
you accept without condition.
There is no one who comes before you who is not met
with dignity, grace, mercy, and kindness.
We will praise you with music, O God, our God.
We bring everything we have to celebrate,
all our joys and everything positive,
and praise you for it.
[silent prayer]
You freely give your light and your faithful care.
We follow them to your sanctuary,
by them we see your sacrificial love,
and in them we rejoice.
When we see you for who you truly are, we ask ourselves:
Why, dear souls, were we downcast?
Why so disturbed within ourselves?
And we encourage one another, saying,
Put your hope in God,
for we will yet praise you, our Savior and our God.
Lord, we are simply human,
so we often lose our way,
we don't know where to go,
and we need your help.
Send us your light and your faithful care, let them lead us.
We are bringing you our uncertainties,
our questions,
and our need for guidance.
[silent prayer]
Lord, as we ask for your light and your faithful care,
let them bring us to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.
We need to be reminded that you with us,
and that you invite us to be with you.
We are asking you to increase our faith
in your presence in our lives,
and help us be better at seeing you with us.
[silent prayer]
Lord, the closer we are to you,
the more we realize how different we are from you.
When we realize that you are holy
and we are not—we are imperfect and broken—
then let us go to your altar,
where your son, Jesus, was punished in our place,
and brought us our joy and our delight.
We are confessing our sins
and asking you to accept Jesus' perfection in their place.
[silent prayer]
Lord, every time we come to you,
we are reminded that you are generous.
You love first, without question,
you forgive without restraint,
you accept without condition.
There is no one who comes before you who is not met
with dignity, grace, mercy, and kindness.
We will praise you with music, O God, our God.
We bring everything we have to celebrate,
all our joys and everything positive,
and praise you for it.
[silent prayer]
You freely give your light and your faithful care.
We follow them to your sanctuary,
by them we see your sacrificial love,
and in them we rejoice.
When we see you for who you truly are, we ask ourselves:
Why, dear souls, were we downcast?
Why so disturbed within ourselves?
And we encourage one another, saying,
Put your hope in God,
for we will yet praise you, our Savior and our God.
Listen to this song by him + her.
Lyrics from endless hallelujah by him + her worship (seth + jenna)
you took the power from the grave
when you rolled the stone away
and you gave me a new life
in your name
i surrender my trust to you
cuz there’s nothing that you can’t do
just what i haven’t seen yet
i know it’s true
so make my life an endless hallelujah. an endless hallelujah
so make my life an endless hallelujah. an endless hallelujah
your love’s changing everything
got this prisoner running free
left my chains in the past now
all glory be
to the one, you’re my only one
paid it all, now the battle’s done
now i’m living in the presence
my heart is won
so make my life an endless hallelujah. an endless hallelujah
so make my life an endless hallelujah. an endless hallelujah
so make my life an endless hallelujah. an endless hallelujah
so make my life an endless hallelujah. an endless hallelujah
i will sing your praise til my end of days
i will lift your name, jesus is the way
i will give my life as a sacrifice
raise these bones to life, let them testify
i will sing your praise til my end of days
i will lift your name, jesus is the way
i will give my life as a sacrifice
raise these bones to life, let them testify
i will show your heart in everything i do.
you said it first, said you love me, it’s true.
so let my life be a love song to you
a love song to you
to you
you took the power from the grave
when you rolled the stone away
and you gave me a new life
in your name
i surrender my trust to you
cuz there’s nothing that you can’t do
just what i haven’t seen yet
i know it’s true
so make my life an endless hallelujah. an endless hallelujah
so make my life an endless hallelujah. an endless hallelujah
your love’s changing everything
got this prisoner running free
left my chains in the past now
all glory be
to the one, you’re my only one
paid it all, now the battle’s done
now i’m living in the presence
my heart is won
so make my life an endless hallelujah. an endless hallelujah
so make my life an endless hallelujah. an endless hallelujah
so make my life an endless hallelujah. an endless hallelujah
so make my life an endless hallelujah. an endless hallelujah
i will sing your praise til my end of days
i will lift your name, jesus is the way
i will give my life as a sacrifice
raise these bones to life, let them testify
i will sing your praise til my end of days
i will lift your name, jesus is the way
i will give my life as a sacrifice
raise these bones to life, let them testify
i will show your heart in everything i do.
you said it first, said you love me, it’s true.
so let my life be a love song to you
a love song to you
to you
Worship Perspective
What does a light switch do? It turns on the light in your house!

If you turn on the light inside your house, people on the outside can tell.

If all your neighbors have their lights on, too, it makes one BIG light!

Together, we can make a light that everyone can see.

But we're not alone! God makes light, too—bigger than anything we can imagine—and he invites us to be part of his light.

If you turn on the light inside your house, people on the outside can tell.

If all your neighbors have their lights on, too, it makes one BIG light!

Together, we can make a light that everyone can see.

But we're not alone! God makes light, too—bigger than anything we can imagine—and he invites us to be part of his light.

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“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14–16
Click here to submit your words to the ever-growing list below.
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14–16
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(If you choose to make your request public, you'll see it display in the Current at the end of the Spotlight along with anyone else who did the same.)
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After submitting your requests in the above form, take some time to share with your group whatever requests the group might have for this week.
Serve Perspective
Meditate on this/these song(s) as we start to close out this Spotlight.
Soak this in if you have 35 minutes.
Soak this in if you have 35 minutes.
Even if you have 0 minutes.
Sing along with (or listen to) this song to close out this Spotlight.
Feel free to sing along or simply listen. Do what makes you comfortable—but do whatever helps you focus on the song's meaning best.
Feel free to sing along or simply listen. Do what makes you comfortable—but do whatever helps you focus on the song's meaning best.
Farewell Perspective
Let's wrap things up by taking a look at what's Current at Illume.
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Tap on the buttons in the frame below to see what’s currently happening at Illume—information on everything from current and upcoming online content to live events and opportunities to serve in the community can all be found here.
Posted in On Letting There Be Light
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